The leaf-Chronicle Want Ads ALWAYS PAY Them Every Day IHE WEATHER Associated Press Leaned Wire. TENNESSEE Fair tonight, slightly eohler In east Motion. Friday unsettled with rain lu west portion; VOLUME CXVII. NO. 2.
ASSOCIATED PRESS CLARKSVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, J925. TENNESSEE'S OLDEST NEWSPAPER. FIVE CENTS A C02 iti 'U4 JlW FEAY PLEADS FOR PUBLIC F.0OL UMPHS IN TWO COURTS UTILITIES DEATH OF JOSEPH GOLDBERG CLOSES SPLENDID CAREER ssnsasnsi aysTt Must Be Done to Redeem Party Pledges Recommendations for Penal Institions Made- JUDGE STOUT SUSTAINS 2 HOWELL IfJJUfJCTIOEJS Motions of Association and Member Argued Last Friday Denied and Overruled in Decree Handed Down This Morning By Chancellor. $18,750 VERDICT SHOW OWNER AND RI'ILDER OF Itl'SlNKSS HI RIE1I EN NASHVIIXE TODAk Interment for Joseph (loldherg, 5" years of age, who died at his home uu South Third shortly before four o'clisk Velueslay aftemoou, was made in. the Jewish cemetery iu Nashville this morning, with a larg number of relatives and friends froi' Clarksville, Chicago and other cities in (ittMidani-e.
The dentk of Mr. Ooldlierg, pioneer moving picture promoter iu Clarksville and builder of business houses and offices, close a (Successful career which has meant much in the civic and business development and growth of Clarksville. Mr. tiolilberg's career was lri- cal tf many of bis race. I'orn sia, he came In Cbirksville 2H ymmmmjtmi from Chicago and for wuile Road Signs Are DR.
SUN YAT SEN, REPUBLIC SEEKER IN CHINA, IS DEAD CANCER OF LIVER FVTAL TO NOT Kl O.MINt.TAN,' pVR'l'y LEADER Associated Press Iensed Wire. March r. Suti upon wlmw bead Hi Manrhii dviuistr 'fixed a price of when I r. Sun whs -u iii int; for a Republic in 'limit, died here this morning from cancer of the liver.
lie wu I's'l years old. His death will not affect the affairs of the Kunmlngtiing party, comprising followers of Ir, jn, leaders id the party said fo-iltiy. After leaving the room in. which they heard their dying leader plead for party solidarity ill hi last words, the Kuom- ci iijc ii ti: chief vera said to lie preparing II circular telegram to the provinces mi- plunclng th jleath of Dr. Sun.
The leaden denied a report that a serious split ti'Kt impending the Kuom'mgtang party. Wiff IVetdeyan Graduate -Macon. March 12 Mrs. Sun, Wife of the late Dr. in Tut Sen.
attended Wcsleyan College for four years, end was graduated with an A. It. degree In inn. Few if any statesmen, p-t or present, have' knuwn more' -tip and more i i i li'totie mor treachery than Dr. Sun Vat Sen the firt provisional president of Chiiin Hen.
nil. frequently called "the father of public anil often referred to the Re- as the ''George Washington of the Far The nam of Sun first began to apiar in new-paper of the western world back in the late Rfl's. when his vigorous pronouncement against his archenemies, the. dynastic Manclm em-prr of oin slight exertion. He was then living in the Hawaiian Inlands with hi widowed mother, who had migrated to Honolulu with her husband, an ncttt of a Christian mission, when Sun Vat Sen wi an infant.
Since 1 bo ever. when he c- 1vil the first of his many revolutions. I.i- name lias become almost us well known to the Occident as it is to the pm ii' liion t'htnese n.ii on of i'i he sj.nt 1 1 1 1 1 of unremitting Imi-' aid i. ml iiii'CT. Twire An Oflirial I It- Sun wa- twice hi, til" high-rt ioti-l'e iu Ch-rct tb fll-vt fill- tl the 1 1 of lf'll.
en ll- pr.s l.iinieil th rM pr-ss-dent the Chiuesc 'inil HI Mny. pi'Jl. wlv be i- 't, of na b' firs.1 'I'-rli'ti fsMjew rising in 'i''i iCi'H'-t'lituries of bud fivn ti'iil uiet' tl.e (Continued nn i C.H.S. SENIORS TO STAGE PLAY rHKI COMEDY -f l.RENCF,' rttlOTH TRKINr.TlN TO BK PI 0 APRIL Hi 1 hvrT aid Yr pTest tKir and Mst 1. the.ST Tarking'on rJST Wlti H'-der 11,..
IV tvc'" Aprd C. The I I of P. the tn-'tiel-s. Prescrie first in N. -is.
esvs" aeh st-c-s 1Hf t-sry rvniks rr rdsyleg aisrivs emde-i I'm rie- smstenr. hm n-e( and 5 S'I'es. t'lS peoT-'-r 1 ct as a fr jti Itic as i f-ertfessivral Bor Tn.f i f-t have t-en rlace s. Nd for the ACT REPEAL Banned in Assoriated Press leased Wire. Naslixille.
Marrli 12. The senate of the Tennrsse legrslatnre, -by a 17 to vote late iodav rejected a bill which would abolish the rate making pwr of the stale railroad and public utilities commission. This aclioii was In concurrence witli the report of the judiciary com-mil lee ftf that Inxly. 1 he vote was taken after lengthy pro and con argument. Associated Press Lea Wire.
Nashville, 12. Governor Austin l'eay, in written to the Tennessee general asseniMy' toil.l lireet Ihc ubsilule 1 1, public ill Mite net of and the rctirutioii In the 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i a-s (be right of ar-hitrntiun and conirncts with public ntil-il ies, lie allied for the repeal of the law ill view' be naiil, of "party pbsb'es." which had been- made in the stale ilemocr.Kic platform and in former executive messages. He said, "these utterances constitute it solemn contract with the people." Highway Bill Introduced. A gtnle highway construction bond issne was aslt-ed in a bill introduced before the house. It provides for a referendum to be held within four month after ttu passage of t'he measure with the tiu-Utmn that should the first election fail In carry the i-sue.
thai second refer endum ran be ordered after twelve mom lis by a petition by "freenobb rs and bu.sinesa Dieq." The bom! iiiuler the pmvUion of the measure are ti carry four nnd ore-half per cent intrreet and are tn le ia sued ny I be slate funding coiiimisiiioii in a series nmturi" in from hp to (U) year. Not more than a year ran be expended em the highways, it is provided. A four cent Sxs-ial sales privilce tax a gallon on gasoline of the three-cent tax as made a law during this session of the assembly, is to be levied nn-der Hie provisions of the bond issue measure. Fifty per cent of the revenue from automobile state license and HKi tier cent of the gasoline lax is (n he u-ed iu paying 'he interest and principal of the bonds. An pn r'nlion if for tie ii i sf ic wis cotintv fiir th purpose -cf additions to the memorial there to Meriwether was nsked in a bill SMinsorei- in the house by Representative Ivelace and Cooer of Maury.
Institnlbin Rerommenilations Made. Iteconiioenilation that an itppropriat ion of he given for bnililing and improvement al the klale training and g-urultiiral whid. that of jtln.lssi fr the Woman's building and a small tuberculosis at the main state prison, ibsf of for the prison on Itru-liv Mountain, that the liuUfenninaie sen-t-m-e law be re-nncted that the com-iniinner ff intutions and the i-oin-iiiissjoncr of highway confer our th" of ionvit on rutd ci-iit ruction iorti in 'fen 1 the of vy b. given the an-horitt to ri Irmates fnnt the training ii the niain st.ite wLen tliv tussmie 1 year of use and have lime sentences, were the main sunls in id- r'srt of the committee whii-h in-' tint th re-mil instil nt ions of the prntMl tlie senate today hy Trice, chairman of the mm. ii Th bill to confer" on the citv of I ci ea the right 'eminent du- iii'Hi condemnation of prijsrty the of Itl the i -'rtn Hon of reels.
re-referreil til t-e road sunmittee of the senate. A hearing oft the bill was s.1 before the Committee The house passed a bill whiih would pr.i.1,1 i he erection of surn iiiri lite lihn i.ronerties of the etate. JEROME STACKER IS HELD TO STATE i.l.o RMSHFs fn POND P.E-i lUKE Mr.rsTHTE ON Ml LT -el w-ith s-nnlt bst'ery in wiih the foatiikg bs be bare to Rnrl -j ifm- h. al'-ut jeara 'd. i -V -id a wagon s- -s sraiftst hts I-di ear.
S-. ireT. ftnl dnt-er. -i r'r a J.Vsi N-nd in kervng morrini he-J II llrTr. of the p-f-e.
jrice a s'fsi Rs claims that he Krrrekt sfT-et T'lesdiv I I I sccoimt of Seer er -i the same snie of the he nc-'t wir'n if. He ssid hf the wgon fw hi "i ht esr wf teiffe. he s-ssr the Ntr i left th i 'i ms ssl nry i. fiferii- rrt tk- MINISTER A I EVOLUTION FIGHT IN STATE NfcRENE KVANC.FMST I'RfiES ES.sENTm.S OF REMVAI.S IN I It ST Speaking, he'sa'hl. for ihe citiiens of California and liimself, the Rev, A.
t. Henricks, edueaPir-evangelnrt, of Pasadena, in Ihe enure of his sermon for-liuillv niKMiins ihe nineteeii-lay revival Service at the Church of the Nar.arene Wednesday tiigbl. i-fuiiineitded efforts of the Teiincss-e ure to enact a statute pniliihitine athiests frfim teaching in the public school of Ihe state. With reference the matter, Mr. lien-rick said "We heart the legislators and llie of the great state of Tennessee in endeavoring to place 011 our statute a hi I hat will prohibit atheists from leii liing their destructive dm-trines in th- iorm of evolution in our public May t)od bless your efforts and help "ll lo succeed, and lead the way fur I be people in Culiforniu to fid low your ev.iniple." Continuing in this collection, Ihe evangelist said lo-olilfio the Clntrch nnil lili.
man society can and will be solved by a real heaven Is. in revival. Politica s- nomie. and emit aiional, sts-iul. and every other problem of tnuinn aociety can lie and ill he solved' bv a real revival of llie ut the Cnscioiisness of Humanity, 1 h- danger of the age 111 which we are ic ing is a drift away from the ruiiernuriinil.
In this drift we lsse the spirit reiirence. right, inslice, truth. huiani'. rifts'nsibilily and every other sense and libligation that makes life worth aDl make stable gove-ertunent and hutiutn ihK'iety Hissiide. May hM.
save fn.m tirifi ing -awa from him in a glorious revival of old fashioiiiii rr'igiim the kuid our gissl old fittliiis and joothera used to enjoy years ago." 1 Meeting Fine KUrt. The services ni-riivd wilh a good attendance aml-ths-p interest. After a rousing sour serve by the choir Mini isuitregation the evringnliat read the S.ltb Psalin ami took tic liih vere for his tevt 1 Will Thou Not Revive I Again." Kevival Asked. lie said in part that, "The Psalmist her- was asking IJod for a revival, and sHs-ified its i liarai ler to be" divine work, and nut mere human enthusiasm and Tb- evangelist iii-isted that we all should Isdieve in reviials. in as much as we have all been brought to Christ, directly or indirect I v.
a the result of the revival spirit. Mof of the Christian of today that have a real christian exiierience were -pirltnsllv horn in some revival. It is tiod's way of car ing forward In work of saving hu- ni.iiniv through the enoris 01 ine ciiun n. Society Repeatelly Saved. "Human societr has reewntedlv licen -avs by 1111 an of the revival.
Had succeeded in bringing a cent ral re vival in the days of Noah the flood would never have come upon the earth. Had Abraham and leseo nbe to bring (Continued on Page Three.) WOMAN, 50, TO ENDEAVOR TO SWIM CHANNEL press loused Wire. Wcvmouth. F.ngl-'iid. 12.
Mr. E. Craven. vh i Tt years of age and a grardirioiher. i the late-l e-rsoii to signifv her iuiention of swimming the English channel this summer- Mrs.
Craven first alfempt lo swim ffnm Weymonifc lo f.ulworth. a tJis'tatn-e of ten miles. HAM-ONES MEDITATIONS By J. P. Alley WHITE FOLKS' PAh5om Pitch en Rar zour pe wimmEn -folks' CLOE EN HlfA.
THIS MORN I N't I 1 as a day of triumphs for the Dark Tubaceo tjr.rwers' in two Moirtgonier? enutitto ciurts', wiUl victories gained iu liiendier endinrf; in the chancery and circnif branches nf the county's judiciary. In ejiaijcery court this morning Judge J. W. hand'sl dou a I'ecree denying and overruling a motion of Arch er Howell for dissolution of a preliminary injunction restraining liiiu from delivering his 1024 crop of tobacco through other than association rhaiinels. The assis'iation regards this action which comes lis the result of arguments last Friday on an answer and cross bill, as a crowning victory in support of ils memberthip contract, in that ties defendant is prevented from delivering hl.s crop through other than association channels at least until Jnly 1, wln-n the suit is to 'heard on Us merits.
The clinncellor'a decree also removed from circuit court, suit by the nssis ui tkm necking- liquidated1 damages from Mr. Howell in connection with bis alleged failure to deliver his crop of tobac co to fife association. Li this phase of the case, the association's motion bi have Mr. Howell's injunction dissolved was also civerrnled. The association, how ever, does not regard this act inn as damag ing It, it being said that the nrgnntaat ion baa no preference in the matter of courts.
Two Circuit Judgments Won Two jinUrmcnts for liquidated damages' against member for alleged failure to deliver their Jil'ii n-ps ol lotincisi to tke association were Won in quick uc- eesilon in circuit court this morning in the case of Dark Tobacco rowers' Cooperative Association vs. C. .1. I. "wis and C.
Hand. The jury gave a judgment for liquidated damage- and attor-ner fees and costs against C. J. Lewis. for the alleged violnfion of hi contract in delivering outside of association channel 4KiO of his crop.
rif-f liquiduteil dnm- flre in addition -to attorney anq costs was given against C. A. Hand for his alleged failure to deliver to the association 2-Vsi pounds of his crop of tohaero. Neither lwis nor Hand ap peared to defend the suits. One Settlement arte In to the two unlzmcnl.
a settlement was negotiated with .1. E. Collier, bv whieli the paid and all cosis the cause in tcttliuient of iq'iidafe damages fo alleg-d failure on n.s To uenver to llie avsiM-iai ion 1.1'iKI siiiud of Ins crop. The tasc of J. E.
Rudolph Son. was continued upon application of ibfeml- int who statol in court that i the d'-fendnnts, p.uford Kudolph. sift an! umb'r th attention of a phs- -II lan. and further mat tie is nr. oaring and muld prodiiie an nf- fnlavir to thnt cffeit." The affidavit wo not r11 ired- Th" T.
W. olcdy (Vltm-led iit'ti application of M. ti. I.vl". his coon-el.
on account of the -cent ilines Mr. and the ras- of A. and Ambrose II impton was con turned aPI'Healioti of the plaintiff because of failure of one of the plaint if fa witnesses til fippe-ir. HOSPITAL FUND STILL GROWING rRFSIDENT TOD XT RF.NFWS RE-ttr sr FOR MiHITHNL MTS-SCRIPTIONS. SrjSsrrpii-in to inre of ik'in t'ie IsrVsTille Ib-spiiaf i-oe to conie in.
fl the report of president John J. Conror. who fhsi mortiirg aiTVinncssI the dleiwirs additional hi 1 1 Pnr Ty Te Cream it Candy (V TJ. Trenielnnrn If ft. Morro- M's M-irr" i'fl-r vfr 3 W.
T. If. I. R. L.
F. k- herger Jesse Sts tVHl i 1 1 1 ni 2Ti rin 2" i' 1 Appeal Rewateil. Mr. Cr.Te,r fwlsr tb? av rW have n-'t sjt whrt s-Tha-ri'Te. rail h'n be t'e.
fiTse ad. in the'r Vt. Srne ISsce lecn seei who hsre TV't' re-rwvS'd S- S5CT f.tVfres who Were t. feel lre in hs est fwMt rtt'er'sTr wp cf the f-id by n--A'i a CooL'dse Re-Submits Warren Nomination l.tsied Wire. I March 12- Presidertl I c.
iKe esnef 'fii'-or'e t-. tVe -r-s If hr If Vsi ffvrg re--m ins ksrles Varrei t- g-rerv' The two injunctions at issue last Fri- day nu motions argued before Chancellor I J. W. Stout in the case of Dark Tub; co 1 rower co-operative Association Archer Howell, are to stand, under the decree of the chancellor handed down this morning in which lie denied and overruled the motions, holding that laey were nyt well taken. The cfanncellor's decree was ai follow "This cause was heard on defendant' motion to dissolve the injunction granted he original bill, and the motions of plaiuaut to strike ihe answers and j.s the crosa bill for insufficiency of Is and allegation and to dissolve the Juinurtion granted on the cross bill.
"The Chancellor I icing of the opinion that none of said tnotiona are well taken, they are therefore denied and overruled. "It is further ordered that all the proof in hief lie closes) by July I. l'J-', and that the cause stand for trial on I ha merits pi the next term of this court. W. 8TOI.T, Chancellor." Iloth Denied.
The motion cf the defendant to dissolve the injunction granted the complainant enjoining and restraining him from selling hia lei! I crop of tobacco through other thin association channels, and the motion of the association to dUoslve an injunclhin fL-inled the, defendant enjoining 1 vt. n't'g suit against him in The court for liquidated damage for Ihe alleged Hal of hi 1023 crop of tuliacco outside the asstH'iation, were overruled. The ruling on the motion to dissolve the injunction restraining the suit in circuit court against Mr. Howell, take that suit from circuit court and idncea It Ivcfore the chancellor for final determination along with the suit in bia court enjoining the sale outside the association of the crop of tobacco of the defendant. The two motions were argued In-fore Judge Sionf last Friday afternoon by Walter Lynch, of Chicago, represent nig Aamn S.tplro, general counsel for the association, and Jndge A.
R. tiholson. I.sjif counsel for the organization, in iu-ot- tion to H. N. Iech.
representing th de fendant. CIVITANS ENJOY TELEPHONE VISIT "CENTRAL- SHOWS C1YIC Lf It A FEW TRHKS OF THE WIRE SERVIC TOD A fl ih svtem res-c-t pn exhibition of fireworks greetcl Hi club tn-Isv when it paid a isl visit the Cbirks, iUe ff.c cf th-Christinn-Tistd Tlrpttne uje.n a invitation of V. E. Cr-e. inninrc of the eirhaor.
Lights with t-ewildering confusion a imrtsiierd wife, busy operstnr. Th ti'll pmvr eve jtimisllj- i-jfepes(- to th club and aprarntlT Inevplie-s'd silosfwms were mad rlesr he M. liladvs ejissn. chief operate and Mrs Marine Ilsnn. npecTiw.r of the f.rd.
ss wil as throofh tb courteot; etptsa-tsoi of lr ri How It Is I oe a psr'r calf a 'g-on the lsrd. A hn the rp-rtor ring tl csMed prr ihe f.t signal on th nnt, party si.swers ikI tb-n bora Lghts go out. hn a psrty hsngs wt ew sst th htf refsrfet and ho I'rfS hsg U.tb 1 this cn th h-if Hid th d-fsir Wh le the wal'ersj iv cTp'iIrte-! the i- vsTen ws cisr Stitll the 1 of pr, stji i'j t'enf Jim ftldham. a tV.roneh 'arrh. )l lo hr te tFrj h-rW-, Th tpTS tors' fs-k.
kwesee, IS l-e It! ff Kes the iv 'It hT resit "'I te I-T. I r--n eiteri-d It c' "tee-irk th cC "-e rf Aif Tf-'-h -e-A tKe 't vn 'ed f1T f'T a fif fA W' J-rs T5 inti'at'-M tn fr crr rVt br fr? cj Tr 1 arid v-e sree. in t'-s Sr torfjT f'st-s 1 fi. --iV-eg. I'" I rest ri'gT'-e.
ri -1 A I- 'i'(r cf s-T. T-'TT-A. r.f f'e'r r4 IVn Frvr 7. Ff.r-Si. C-'s'ee le-rH -J.
ti. Jl-'rcs, 1 T' i' e.Ts"r r-''-4 aft 4 ssv-s -mr'-- t-j ah- rt I -k ces f'e--. th -rer by tie rrfk ii Js a 1 RETURNED IN THE HARRISON CASE CITY IS PLEASED WITH JIDO-MENT IN THE CONDEMNATION LITIGATION. With the except ion of the assegsmenk of costs of the appeal and Subsequent hearing, which is left to the discretion of the court, the lawsuit of the City of Clarksville vs. Mrs.
Hallie nrriann, et ah, in which a judgment for JtlsSJTsJ against the plniirtifT una refnrned by tba circuit court jury Wednesday rftemooii, a the price the city shall pay for the Flnr. rison carriage shop property on North Third street, is settled as far as the city is concerned, counsel said Ihia morning. The city's counsel in arguments; Wed riesday nfterniMUi asked for a Judgment for Mr. Harrison, wills defendant's counsel asked for a iii)t judgment, the assessment, made by tha condemnation jury in connection with (he city'a program of widening tod eitewd-Inp Strawberry street. Counsel for the city said thi mornin that a motion to have the costs tilted upon the defendant would be filed before Judge J.
I). (. tomorrow morning. Counsel for the defendant this mornlnf said that he hffd no announcement to make as tn the immediate future proceed- ings ior tne oeiense, iieenning f0 say whether a motion for a new trial wrtald be made or an appeal taken in event thi motion were overruled. Qubk Verdict Returned.
The jury's verdict cam artr about thirty minute ilelihcrtaiut Wednesday afternoon, and followed ei tended argument which opened Wednesday nionring. Th trial just concluded waa the second hearing of th suit, the first trinl resulting in a hung jury. The recent bearing lafd from Monday morning and was contested battl throughout An unusunl 01 'interest trkeir in Ihe cas by the public generally. Member and former members of the board of mawr and Mermen and Mrrri.r W. E.
Reach were amorg city witnesses, while Mayor 11. M. Cooler with counavd, reprenfe. lh ci'y board. The property hich was being operated bT K.
Harri-sin. ana of Mr. Sillte K. Harrison, was taken over on flctohrr SI. I'rJI by the ci nnder Imnd.
and raited. The fnmf Third street 70 fet affl 1 1 eet deep. dyerTTtser; FREAK ROAD BILL1 ME RE PROVIDES FOR t.Vsl,s itfwt ONTRI THIN TV ITT I I 0f VOTING." Aewited Prs tese.l Wire. Nashville. Tnn.
Mvrrh It Repre- eclative A. D. IT of Iweesbura. "esee.le.1 in "puttirg nvef his rc.d buildng plsn in Dyr by flirt; ifc tieneral Assembly to psss radi, tsirnl f-r hi eountf tj r-ne tnt tifilpi bills oh reel. In is hug sum roi coctnitx, in what msv cs'ieil rove t4 TetiBa o.nctees in t1? (rst elerflon.
ttr few ht'ce, wh'nb recjiiird fas rry a four refererd rrifl ca I 'ffied fr a cert4n r.f cti. Ie. il C1 11 ss r-eessy. 1 set forth th- nC't oi Vg fs-sv-I Vip issrne wr lr Vr.te rrssd hv tSj r.f fv, frif rr cf r. 4 cr sV, Tf la iy precinct jei cTTy in wh fv vcr gy seen at th 1 re''vs, vl rc c-r r't i' ciH rt'r-f cf t-- ts', nisVt th- r-s-r'f'fiaa 'f T-" tv r' i'- ce- -'v a rrs oeen fir oWe-k in afmsn 'b ISfer-h-jeg vntA 9 e'rW-k wt, Thfs the ti the ss tsk irr T-n r-src, f.f.
fjii.rg tf e-e-r rv fv J-fmrn i) If c--. ryt r' nt t-e( -ee-s wh'-k c.e )l reee. Tv .1 rev-) TV C-ie'T i e-esfw--t -Vsr, J-A 1 -v. e4 r--sfr 13. -U-s ss? e.f fV Iss-sve r'-J I-j.
da'e h-r a i'c gager in peddling and the pic" larging busines. Through th practice 0 thrift and conservative investments he was in ia short while able to establish I furniture businesa wliiih he fully isiiiducted for a tiiiinlier of years, I Hbaiiiloning it when he b-canie Interested motion niefirre show in. As beud of stiKR company. fioKinerg erisied the present Tlli an theatre on Friluklin streel, regardeil as one of Ihe most ctnhs, ornle and np-to-late movie hotises in the South, fitter he acquired the Majestic and conducted that aa a movie bonse until when lie spent in transforming it into a legitimate show oitsc, the first the city had enjoyed since Ihe ilestructio of the old ojveraj house by firet. In million to hjt ahow Mr.
fioldbete 1s-ettfue-'ioter-sted in hi.rng and property development. In Pd'i'i he built the bbsk of ten atores jind offices on the east side af North Third atrct. which were quickly tenanted, and stand as an additional monument to his civic interest anil business enterprise. AIhjuI fiv'e year ago Mr. Goldberg's health befsn to fail, calling for a mot stuhUirn fight, which he carrid on with marked courage, having gone lo a number halth resorts, sanitariums and consulted eminent specialists throughout the country.
He never gave cp. bow-ever, and despite the ravage of his a I-menla, he remained active in business more than three years, and while laboring under the weirht of his afflictf ions, he planned and finsnced his largest building programs. II was sj man of splendid business acijnien. a lil-cral. but snservf Investor.
Few tisre rorifri. butcd si substantially Clarksville a business development in the same time, and with a keener and truer interest in it welfare. Not only did Mr. (ioldherg invest freely, hut he was outstanding for his altruistic liberality. Iieinga generous and willing contributor to funds for encouraging business enterprises to ocsf in the city and to charitable and reli gious causes as wen.
Mr. (ioblberc imteried Mi Ida KJeiB. of this city, who survives together wi'h three children. Julius teddb-re, nf hl-cago; Ralph. partner in business this city, and Lillian foiilrg.
a student in Ward 15-lmont Colleee, Nashville A. (cil dlierg. of this city is brother, and other brothers and iter live in Chicago. TREATY ACTION AGAIN BLOCKED COPFI ND NOTICE OF PITTINO OrF vOTF. ON IsLE OF PINE.
Ass'W'in'ed Pr Ijed W'ire. W'ssh'ngton. Mrch 12. The srsvisl Jseriit'e af th r-rreirg cf secotvt week ha run ir'o a scirt rst-irfcation of tie Is'e of Pires tre Senator ocraf. New Tork.
t.elay to 1r at feast eTrl dsvs d'cTiS'n of the pct. RepiiMscan leaders as a cofT.ter itvr. es'M fhv wre feauy cflrrv tseir fight for rlsT'' f1 tr pee eg rea'y by wh'h the 1 w.eid formaHv reeff Crrsn sct. cwt r.rer the cf Pirses to the rs" forc'pg eesssK'Ps if eecrwary tn hr-er it tn a vote. From behind a frr-aV of tnisd en fr t-e rr-ss-.
Snaor Cope'ard -cd of (,. re--ion in ft WedtiesrjT af'er failing to o-s tet on the CBTecfirrll be ff sfsrer nntil the rew Cnrfr iwcilef tit (W--ehet. Wi-k nther crT'''e-n's cf fh cirrr--te New Trif Server tikes te ths nw s-at'-rs hsre t- to wndy i. WnsTts tn Pn Yfe. 12 IWv-.
ert's retf tn s-e; mnWr ts i'iowed it tb rpm ef, nf rd ii ts r-n th cf Pre 1d fn on 'wiiir tk r'rr es-ial vr ii rt i Ore hj'f cf T-fsitt I. 1T fc ts4 tV fUteJ, -e srl w. I am-r-g 'Jj, it -ffI k-'r-T the'r k-'d 't- I -d rt tlrs. Mr Her'-r fceru wet th r'Lsif rl ae 7 i 'JMjch 11 i pen '1 Tr rV-i i I Or rlsrWci t'r 5c fit rf- '-iiI it cf Hrh- ii Trerr I tKeT i. i t-m ai if rs r-'T f.1J fT fi Ch rrsegrt see -CTs-e-s-e at tt'.
tVy A -t fee will b- rre. es i be rri rr-virf i. c. u. s..