Winston-Salem Journal from Winston-Salem, North Carolina (2024)

a 12-FEATURE AND FINANCIAL NEWS WINSTON-SALEM (N. JOURNAL Setback Hits Wall Street's Lead Stocks By BERNARD S. O'HARA New York stock market leaders suffered a minor setback after week's yesterday, forward funhoutas group of took the ball near the pushed into specialties, substantially higher territory. tew of the pivotals slipped off point or NO after a steady start and American Telephone dropped 2. While these moves inspired some general selling the market throughout had resistant spots, notably the steels, aircrafts and oils.

Transactions were well under the previous day's. Modest Selling The fact that selling was held to modest limits while a fair number of stocks attracted higher bids was associated with the more cheerful Wall street sentiment generated by the favorable tone of war reports over the past several days. Given a ride in late proceedings were issues of Curtis Publishing, McIntyre Porcupine, Homestake, Dome and American Rolling Mills. For the gold stocks this was regarded by brokers as a normal rebound after their recent slump on the WPB's order for suspension of production. The Associated Press 60-stock composite had a closing decline of .2 a point at 39.9.

Tuesday's final average was the highest since November 6, 1941. Dealings totaled 660,010 shares against 857,200 Tuesday. Rails Bit Soft Rails were a bit soft both before and after it was disclosed New York Central directors' meeting produced no dividend. thus disappointing many in the financial sector who had counted on a break in Central's 12-year dividend drought. The stock closed down on an active turnover.

Telephone's final loss was while Eastman Kodak and J. C. Penney were down about a point each. Narrower declines were registered by General Motors, Chrysler, Goodrich, Montgomery Ward, Sears Roebuck, Douglas, Air Reduction, Westinghouse, Dow Chemical, Southern Railway, Great Northern and Northern Pacific. Turpentine Savannah, Ga.

64 cents per gallon: offerings, 9 barrels (50 gal. each). Sales, 450 gallons; barrels; receipts, 193 barrels: shipments, 89 stocks, 25,366 barrels. Rosin (drums): Offerings, 265: sales, 265: receipts, 290; shipments, stocks, 86.350. Quote (100 B.

3.34; E. 3.45: F. and 3.47; I and K. 3.48; and 3.49: WG, WW and X. 3.53.

WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE Without Calomel- -And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour 2 pints of bile juice Into your bowels every day. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food may not digest. It may decay in the bowels. Then gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated.

You feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these 2 pints of bile flowing freely to make you feel "up and up." Get a package today. Take as directed. Effective in making bile flow freely, Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills. 10c and I New York Stock List Stocks In Spotlight and net change of active stocks yesterday.

NY Central Curtist Pub South Pac Colum Radio North Am Co Comwith Sou Std Oil Cal United Corp Erie RR CT Am Roll Mill NYNH Haft Packard Int Tel Am Wks Vert the fifteen New York Sales, closing price 27,900 23,200 13.100 2 11,800 11,200 9,400 7,400 6,600 6,500 6.100 5,900 5,800 5.700 3 5.600 5,600 New York Bonds New York (AP), The bond market had a few firm spots among the rails and utilities yesterday but the general trend of the corporate list was clouded by numerous small losses in virtually all departments. Trading was less active than in recent sessions, with total sales at $8,202,700, par value, the smallest since September 4. and compared with $10,026,500 on Tuesday. Indicative of the narrow of the market was the small changes in the Associated Press averages. The rails and industrials each lost $.1 of a point, the foreign and low-yield groups were unchanged and the utilities were up .1 of a point.

Several bonds of the New Haven Railroad attracted buyers early in the session upon approval of the Interstate Commerce Commission of A modified reorganization program. The Collateral 65 and 4s of '47 retained moderate gains but the 45 of '55 and '56 closed lower. Showing modest gains at the close were Atlantic Coast Line Collateral 4s. Burlington Refunding. 5s.

Commercial MacKay Incomes. Florida East Coast 5s and M-K-T 4s. Losers included many issues of the Baltimore Ohio, Boston Maine Burlington Rock Island of '52, Colorado Southern and Nickel Plate Grain Futures Chicago (AP). -Grain WHEAT: Open Dee. 1.24% May 1.27½ July 1.28⅜ CORN: Dec.

May July OATS: Dec. May SOYBEANS: Oct. 1.62½ Dec. May RYE: Dec. May July .75 LARD: Oct.

..13.80 Dec. Jan. range: High Low Close 1.25 1.24⅛ 1.24⅛ 1.27¾ 1.26⅝ 1.26¾ 1.28½ 1.27½ 1.27½ .88 .49 .51 1.62½ 1.62½ 1.61% 1.66¾ 1.70¾ .72 .75 .74 .74 13.80 13.80 13.80 poultry markets At Raleigh U. extras large (clean white) eggs, 47 to colored hens, 19 to 21. At Washington-U.

S. extras large (graded white eggs, 52 to 53; colored fowls, 21 to 22. Eggs and Poultry Raleigh -Egg and Butter and Eggs Chicago Receipts, 735; steady; prices as quoted by the Chicago price current are unchanged. Eggs: Receipts, nominal; prices I unchanged. Here's The Flaming Love Song The Band Starts The Crowds Go Home! It's a jam session of love, laughter and lonesome ladies when the king of swing serenades your heart! GEORGE MONTGOMERY: ANN RUTHERFORD with GLENN MILLER AND HIS BAND Orchestra with Wives LYNN BARI in The A Band the CAROLE LANDIS 1 Musical! CESAR ROMERO Virginia Gilmore Directed by ARCHIE MAYO Beth Hughes 2002 WILLIAM Produced LeBARON by Mary Nicholas Brothers Screen Play by Karl Tunberg and Darrell Ware The GET IN SCRAP! "THE LADY OR THE TIGER" LATEST NEWS FROM Story of the Two Doors THE BATTLE FRONTS NOW SHOWING ALL BUY 28c BONDS SEATS MATINEE Carolina WAR you live in the following school districts: -KERNERSVILLE -SEDGE GARDEN -UNION CROSS -CITY VIEW Have your Scrap piled along the roadside by 8 A.M.

tomorrow. Scrap metal collection trucks will pick it up. "The Japs Want ScrapLet's Give It to 'em Our Way." New York Final quotations for Wednesday-2 Adams Express Air Reduction Alaska Juneau Allied Chemical Dye Alleghany Allis Chalmers Mfg American Can American Car Foundry American Foreign Power American Power Lt American Radiator St American Roller Mill American Smelting Refining American Sugar Refinery American Tel Tel American Tobacco Anaconda Armour, Illinois Atchison Atlantic Coast Line Atlantic Refining Atlas Powder Aviation Corporation Baldwin Baltimore Ohio Barnsdall Aviation Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Borden Borg Warner Briggs Mfg Budd MEg Budd Wheel Burlington Mills Burroughs Adding Machine Calumet Hecla (Canada Dry Canadian Pacific Cannon Mills Case I Caterpillar Tractor Champion Chesapeake Ohio Chrysler Coca-Cola Columbia Gas Commercial Credit Commercial Solvent Commonwealth Southern Consolidated Edison Oil Continental Can Corn Products Curtiss Wright Curtiss Wright A Davison Chemical Delawara, Lack Western. Douglas Aircraft Dow Chemical Du Pont Eastman Kodak Electric Auto Lt Electric Power Lt Firestone Freeport Sulphur General Electric General Foods General Motors Gillette Glidden Goodrich Goodyear Graham Paige Greyhound Gt Northern Railway pt Hudson Motor Hupp Motor Illinois Central International Harvester International Nickel Can International Tel Tel Johns Manville Kennecott Kroger Grocery Libby Glass Liggett Myers Loew's Lorillard Louisville Nashville Mack Truck McCrory Stores Missouri Montgomery Ward Murray Corporation Nash Kelvinator National Biscuit National Cash Register National Dairy Products National Distributors National Lead National Power Lt New York Central North American Aviation North American Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Otis Elevator Pacific Gas Electric Pacific Mills Packard Paramount Pictures Paramount pf 120 Penney 72 Pennsylvania Dix Pennsylvania Railroad Pepsi-Cola Phillips Petroleum Pittsburgh Screw Bolt Public Service, NJ TODAY THEATRES CAROLINA SHOWING GEORGE MONTGOMERY. ANN RUTHERFORD and GLENN MILLER and HIS BAND in "ORCHESTRA WIVES" Also Novelty Story "LADY AND THE TIGER" Late War News TODAY "MIAMI NIGHTS" ON THE STAGE 30 People-30 ON THE SCREEN "Mexican Spitfire at Sea" Shows at 3-5-7-9 FORSYTH Today Open 12:45 Only "LADY BE GOOD" With Ann Sothern Robert Young Red Skelton Eleanor Powell Lionel Barrymore John Carroll Very Latest Forsyth News COLONIAL 9:15 OPEN Mirth, Mystery and Murder "NO HANDS ON THE CLOCK" CHESTER MORRIS PARKER Cartoon Comedy ON WAR SALE STAMPS AND BONDS AT THE BOX OFFICES OF THE ABOVE THEATRES Dow- Averages New York aver- ages: High Low Close Net Ch'g 30 Inds .115.24 113.99 114.69 off 0.32 20 Rails 29.01 28.51 28.73 off 0.25 15 Utils 13.75 13.39 13.64 off 0.07 55 Stocks 38.98 38.50 38.74 off 0.17 BONDS: 40 Bonds 90.70 off 0.10 10 1st Rails 93.01 off 0.17 10 2nd Rails 53.68 off 0.20 10 Utils.

109.91 off 0.07 10 Inds .106.18 up 0.03 Transactions in stocks used in aver-. antes yesterday: Industrials 52.600 Rails 76,930 Utilities 48,400 Total .117,930 Pullman 27 Pure Oil 10 Radio 37 Radio 0 Remington Rand Republic Steel 16 REYNOLDS TOBACCO 233 Seaboard Air Line Shell Union Socony Vacuum Southern Pacific 163 Southern Railway 163 Sperry Standard Brands Standard Oil. Calif Standard Oil. Ind 26 Standard Oil, NJ Stewart Warner Studebaker Swift Texas Corporation Texas Gulf Products Texas Gulf Sulphur 36 Timken Det Axle Transamerica West Airline Union Carbide Union Pacific United Aircraft United Corporation United Drug United Fruit United Gas Imp US Industrial Alcohol 32 US Rubber US Steel Vanadium Vick Chemical 36 Va Carolina Chemical Warner Pictures Western Maryland Union Western Electric Mfg Wilson Woolworth Yellow Truck Coach Sheet 32 Final Youngstown bonds sales. $8.202.700 Total stock soles.

660,010 Cotton Futures New York government textile orders mand for the spot staple in cotton futures trading sent final prices up to 90 cents a bale. Persistent trade and in evidence and more hedge selling. Trade estimates placed tile demands at more yards. The favorable report had no effect on Onen High Dec. 18.08 18.22 Dec.

18.08 18.2 Jan. 18.17 18.17 Mar. 18.32 18.44 May 18.45 18.57 July 18.58 18.68 Spot middling 19.75°, Bid: -nominal. New Orleans (AP). closed 40 to 45 cents a Open High Oct.

18.02 18.10 Dec. 18.29 18.40 Tan. 18.371 Mar. 18.54 18.62 May 18.69 18.75 July 18.79 18.85 Oct. (1943) 19.00 19.00 and active decaused a rally yesterday which 25 to mill buying was than offset some of new government texthan 100,000.000 weekly weather trading.

Low Close N. C. 18.07 18.17 18.07 18.17 18.17 18.27° 18.59 18.40 18.45 18.51 18.58 18.64° up 17. -Cotton futures bale higher. Low Close N.

C. 18.02 10.081 18.29 19.40 18.471 18.54 18.63 18.68 18.74 18.79 18.84+ 19.00 19.001 1-Bid. What Stocks Did New York Wed Tues Advances 262 378 Declines 314 245 Unchanged 220 226 Total issues 796 849 U.S. Government Bonds New York -Final Government bonds: U. S.

Treasury 4s 54-44 106.17 2s 55-51, Dec. 100 New York Curb New York curb quotations: Can. Marcono Cities Service Colon Government Electric Bond and Share. Gulf Oil 35 Hog Prices Raleigh -Hog market steady with tops of $14.25 at Richmond and $14.10 at Rocky Mount. Helen Traubel To Sing on Air Helen Traubel, dramatic SOprano, will be guest soloist with the Philadelphia Orchestra in an all Wagner concert to be broadcast over WAIR through the Mutual network Friday at 2:30.

Eugene Ormandy will be the conductor, and the program will come from Philadelphia's Academy of Music. The complete program for Friday includes: "Tristan and Isolde (Wagner) Prelude to Act 1 with concert ending; Isolde's Aria, Act 1, III, "Erfuhurst due meine Schmach" (Miss Traubel) Prelude to Act III; Isolde's Aria, III, Scene IV, "Mild und leise, wie er lachelt." Intermission; "Gotterdammerung" (Wagner) Siegfrieds Rhine Journey; Siegfrieds Death and Funeral Music; Brunnhilde's Immolation and Closing Scenes, Miss Traubel. Vaudeville Today Only: Dassling ON SHOWGIRL REVUE, PERSON. MIAMI NIGHTS salurind THE SEASON'S SENSATION DANCE of the NATIONS new! SONG DANCE COMEDY Prices sh*tS Matinee 44c NIGHT 30 44c and 55c PEOPLE STAGE SHOWS AT 5 3:07 5:14 7:20 9:27 Vodvil TODAY ONLY Acts And on Screen "Mexican Spitfire at Sea" TODAY With LEON ERROL LUPE VELEZ ONLY ZASU PITTS ROGERS Fred L. Eller Dies at Home In Friedberg Fred L.

Eller of Winston-Salem, Route 4, Friedberg Church community, died at his been ill for a number of years home last night at 8:45. had Hey and his condition had been considered serious for the past six months. A native of Rowan county, he was born April 19, 1895, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Eller.

He spent his early life in Rowan, served two years World War and later lived four years at Mooresville and two years at Salisbury before moving to his present home about a year ago. Mr. Eller was a member of the Christian Church. On July 2, 1932, he was married to Miss Ella Myers, who survives. Other survivors include one daughter, Eva a June Eller; four sisters, Mrs.

Augusta Nail of Cooleemee, Mrs. Annie Bell Holtshouser Statesville, Route Mrs. Lou Dannell of Mooresville, Route 1, and Mrs. Willie Maude Poteat of China Grove; three brothers, Luther Eller of Mooresville, Clarence Eller of Statesville and Dawson Eller of Salisbury. Funeral arrangements had not been completed last night.

Fuel Shortage May Be Boon to Health age, it is not necessary that Even if there is a fuel should suffer, said Dr. R. L. Carlton, city health officer yesterday. Most of us live and work in rooms that are over-heated.

There ought to be a thermometer in every living and work room and we ought to see that it does not THURSDAY IN AND WIN BODE FIGHTING WORDS FOR the factory where she works to FIGHTING MEN A British show workers how the equipwoman war worker chalks a ment they make is used in fightE warlike message on the gun of ing machines. (Passed by British a Covenanter tank, brought to censor.) go above 68 degrees, which thorities consider the ideal temperature, If it does go above this, we should realize that we are wasting fuel. There is no way of telling now what the fuel situation will be during the coming winter, Dr. Carlton said. It is obvious that it is everyone's duty to begin now to conserve fuel as much as possible, Carlton said that room temperatures will be reduced conhe siderably this winter.

However, added, this does not mean that we will suffer from the reduction. By wearing extra clothing, woolen socks or stockings, or covering the legs with robe or blanket when sitting quietly, can offset the effects lower temperatures. Funeral Is Today For M. F. Moores Mr.

and C. W. Stuart and Mr. and Mrs. W.

M. Mitchell will go to Black Mountain today to attend the funeral of the Rev. M. F. Moores.

The Rev. Mr. Moores, who formerly was pastor of Ardmore Methodist Church here for four years, died at, Mission Hospital, Asheville, at o'clock Tuesday afternoon following an operation last Saturday. Today's Radio Programs WSJS-600 KC NBC Network A.M. Farm Program Eye Opener Program for Listening -News -The Eye Opener Program of the World 8:15 -Do You Remember? Summary 9:00 Everything Goes Prayer -Rev.

Samuel Tesch Jack Turner Diary The O'Neils 10:45 Album of Melody Men. Machines, Victory Carolina in the Morning -Howdy, Neighbors P.M. 12:00 Charlie Monroe and His Kentucky Partners Dance Music Breaks S. Army Air Forces Band Morgan Beatty 2:00 -Kay Kyser Orchestra Bond Wagon 600 News 600 4:55 -News a Girl Marries Portia Faces Life 5:30 -Isabel Shaffer, Organist 5:45 6:00 The Broadway Bandwagon America's Prayer Minute -Tunes and Tips 6:25 Your Movie Man Call Sports Chat and News 7:00 Time of the World and Costello Time -The Aldrich Family 9:00 One Year Ago Today 9:05 The Rhythm Counter Meetin' Time The Rudy Vallee Show Edits the News 10:45 Treasury Star Parade News Summary News the Sentimental Side University of the Air A.M. 12:05 Sign Off (Until 6 o'Clock) W4IMM-MT.

MITCHELL (Frequency Modulation) P.M. 3:00 Studio Matinee 3:30 The Afternoon Concert -Man Your Battle Stations Interlude Americana in 5:30 -Organ Melodies 5:45 Song Shop 6:00 -Indiana Indigo Call 6:45 Bill Stern, Sports Concert 7:15 News of the World Jayne Cozzens, Soprano Gems in Miniature 8:00 Excursions in Science 8:15 Treasury Star Parade Serenade 9:05 Sign Off WAIR-1340 KC Mutual and Blue Network A.M. Service Hour Reveille Peaceful Valley With the Old Judge and the Market Bandwagon War Journal of Melody 8:30 Texas Jim Robertson Summary Club Rhythm Boys 9:45 Virginia Lawrence, Pianist 10:00 -News With Music The Choir Loft of the Road -Stringtime of Tomorrow Carter Campbell 11:30 -Organatres Jack Little P.M. Melodies Hay Reads the Bible 2:30 Farm and Home Hour Talking Find My Way News Reporter 1:45 -Victory Garden Harvest Show -Cedric Foster Meade's Children Impressions 2:45 Earl Tanner, Songs -Prescott Presents Valley Folks 4:00 -Local News Matinee 5:00 -The Sea Hound 5:15 -Rhythm and Song Parade Winslow of the Navy 6:15 -Adrian Rollini's Trio Time McIntyre's Orchestra YOU CAN'T BUY ASPIRIN that can do more for you than St. Joseph Aspirin.

Why pay more? Why accept less than the St. Joseph quality guarantee? World's largest seller at 10c, 36 tablets 20c, 100 for 35c. Get St. Joseph Aspirin. HOLLYWOOD BUCK JONES and TIM McCOY in "RIDERS OF THE WEST" Also "Lady From Cheyenne" With Loretta Young PLUS COMEDY MORNING, OCTOBER 15, 1942 stock p.m.

2 142 65 27 41 44 52 583 27 203 183 32 71 18 78 4 69 120 .139 38 32 26 61 30 23 13 22 3 17 Stroud Here To Preside Over Meeting Rev. C. H. Stroud, of Marion, superintendent of the Western North Carolina Conference of the Pentecostal Holiness Church arrived last night and will preside over the conference to be held Friday through Monday. Rev.

Mr. Stroud is also chairman of the conference board. The conference will open Friday evening with a sermon by Bishop J. H. King of Washington, D.

C. The observance of the Lord's Supper will follow. Friday there will be conferences by members of the Western North Carolina Conference official board presided over by Rev. Mr. Stroud.

Business sessions will open at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. The day's program will end with a mission rally at which time Rev. Clyde H. Herndon, of Danville, will make an address. Mr.

Herndon returned from China on the liner Gripsohlm. Sunday services will begin with morning devotion broadcast from WAIR. A. E. Robinson, of Washington, will address the adult classes at 9:45 o'clock and tion sermon will be by Bishop King.

A Christian rally service will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in the main auditorium of Centenary Methodist Church. Two services will be held at the Pentecostal Holiness Church Sunday evening. Final sessions of the conference will be held Monday. P. L.

Spaugh Rites Are Set Lewis, News Johnson Family Jane Durden, Songs Your Battle Stations Pays to Be Ignorant Moods for You Bands Fields 10:00 Raymond Gram Swing Dorsey's Treasury Show Russ Morgan's Orchestra 11:00 'Q. E. J. News -Ted Weems' Orchestra Is the Hour -News 12:05 Sign Off WMFR. High Point-1230 KC BLUE NETWORK A.M.

of the Morning Morning News Bulletins 6:30 -Morning Merry-Go-Round Musicale -Early Morning News Roundup World 8:00 -William Hillman's Daily War Journal for the Day Jim Robertson Is Hollywood the Back Fence 9:00 The Breakfast Club in the News Melodies -The Breakfast Club Continued Forbidden Diary on the Air at Sardi's House in the Country Jack Little P.M. Time Roundup of the News 12:31 Club 1:00 -Late News Bulletins The 12:31 Club Continued on the Air -Mountain Music on the Air Club Programs -The Twilight Serenade 5 o'Clock Devotional Period Time With Singin' Sam Melody Parade Evening News Roundup Winslow of the the Headlines With Our Army Sports Review 6:30 U. S. Employment Service Feature Can't Do Business With Hitler News Bulletins Life Dramas Car Goes to War Sons of the Pioneers Abbot and Costello Show the World Go By With Earl Godwin Melodies Town Meeting Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands Fields Gram Swing. News 'n' January From the Mars Hill Holiness Church Morgan's Orchestra The Treasury Star Parade Ellington's Orchestra Cugat's Orchestra War News WMFR Signs Off WBIG, Greensboro-1470 KC COLUMBIA NETWORK A.

M. White Azaleas News to Armed Forces of U. S. -Alarm Klock Klub 6:45 Rise and Shine Tobacco Market 7:05 -Roving Cowboys 7:15 -Alarm Klock Klub 7:45 -News Time of the World Charles, Organist Club Burns Varieties Resume of Life of the Air the Back Fence of Wartime Projects Serenade Time 10:30 -Give Me Music Morning Between News Roundup the Lines 11:00 -Mary Lee Taylor Plan 11:30 -Great Dance Bands Tobacco Market P. M.

Charlie Monroe's Band 12:30 The 10-2-4 Ranch News The Farm Dalletins the Band the Microphone College Program Conservation Program Jordan. M. D. Bouquet Neighbors American Hot Spot Louis Matinee S. Navy Band Coelho, Songs to Health Way's Roving Cowboys Market Reports the War News of the People Sing Along Bernie Hunt.

News Music Review 6:45 The World Today News Courier James' Orchestra and Professional Women's Club T. College Program 8:00 -Woman's College Program Your Battle Stations Rey's Orchestra Brown and the News Bowes' Amateur Hour McIntyre's Orchestra Honor Roll of the Air 10:00 -The First Line Vera Barton, Songs 11:00 -Ned Calmer, News 11:10 Quincy Howe, News Analysis Rogers' Orchestra 11:30 Salute to Armed Forces of U. S. Goodman's Orchestra 12:05 White Azaleas OTHER STATIONS WOR- Sketch Plain Bill -Sketch WJZ- Jack Armstrong- Sketch WABC- Landt Trio and Curly, Songs Page Farrell -Play WOR-News; Music WABC- -Ben Captain Bernie Midnight- Orchestra Sketch Money Man- Rad Hall Uncle Don WJZ- -News: Joe, Hasel, Sports WABC-Frazier Hunt, Comments Putnam WJZ- -Winslow of the NavySketch WABC- To Be Announced WOR- Here's Call Sketch Morgan WiZ- -Milt Herth Trio WABC-Frank Sinatra, Songs 6:45 WHAT Sports Bill 6:40 Bing Crosby Records WIZ -Lowel Thomas WABC- The World Today Waring Orchestra Sports Lomax WJZ- Easy Aces- -Sketch WABC- Amos 'n' Andy -Sketch News John Vandercook WOR- -Victory Our Business WJZ-Mr. Keen--Drama WABC- James Orchestra and Costello Comedy WOR- -Arthur Hale, Comments WJZ- -That's a Fact- Gilbert Martyn WABC-Music From Hawaii Answer Man WJZ -Diane Courtney, Jesters, Songs Morgan, Fanny Brice WOR -Sinfonietta Music WJZ- -Earl Godwin, Comments WABC -Variety Musicale and Abner- -Sketch Aldrich FamilySketch WOR- -Variety Show, Tom Howard WJZ America's Town Meeting -Death Valley Days Play Brown, News Hall.

Bing Crosby WOR- Heatter, Comments -Major Bowes Amateur Show Be Announced Show WJZ -Spotlight Bands WABC- Stage Door Canteen Gracie Fields. Songs Varieties WOR-Raymond Clapper, Comments WJZ- Raymond Gram Swing WABC- First Line- -Navy Show Show, Recorded WJZ- -Campaign Talk- Thomas E. Dewey (Also WQXR) The March of Time -Paul Schubert, Comments WJZ-Sing for Dough and Rollo- Sketch WJZ- Texzas Rangers, Songs WABC-Vera Barton. Songs WJZ- -News; Music -News: Talk: Music WABC- News: Comments: Music Store News; University News; Dance Music WABC- Dance Music Music (To 7 a.m.) News; Music (To 6:30 a.m.) Music (To 5:30 a.m.) Banking Hours: 9:00 to 2:00 We've helped thousands of others to solve their MONEY PROBLEMS -we can help YOU! The Table Below Shows EXAMPLES? SYSTEM' LOANS LOAN INTEREST FEE YOU PAYMENTS NET TO 0 MONTHLY 6000 300 120 00 710 180 00 10 16519 18 25 360 00 3324 42000 25 10 388 28 445 32 40 4 5 00 36 50 720 00 3 10 6690 6000 50 800 781 57 64 80 10069 12 1119 108 144.00 20009 18000 28020 25000 336399 30000 Final rites for Permania Lewis Spaugh, of Winston-Salem, Route 4, will be held at 3:30 this afternoon at the home and at 4 o'clock at Mount Carmel Methodist Church. Rev.

Byron Nifong, Rev. J. G. Bruner, Rev. R.

A. Hunter and Rev. Edgar Holton will officiate and interment will be in the church cemetery. Mr. Spaugh died Tuesday evening about 6 o'clock.

Pallbearers will be J. Frank Evans, Russell Clinard, Charlie Fry, Will Fry, Mr. Martin, and A. B. Brewer.


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Winston-Salem Journal from Winston-Salem, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.