How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (2024)

The strength of the Pan, and the number of troops needed to defeat them, etc.

  • Basics of Monster Battles
  • Pan Needs more than just Mounted Troops
  • Damage adjustment rate when attacking
  • Number of Troops to Kill
    • Pan (Ranged Troop)
    • Pan (Ground Troop)
    • Pan (Mounted Troop)
  • Pan Basic Stats
  • Reference – Mechanics of Monster Battle
  • Reference – Generals Recommendations
  • Other Bosses

Basics of Monster Battles

  • Fight with only the highest tier of mounted troops.
  • Increase mounted troop attack (buff values can be roughly checked in the PvP battle report). Next, increase the number of troops. If you want to get zero wounds, there is no need to raise any other factors. (Reference: How to increase buffs, etc.)
  • If casualties are inevitable, the number of wounded can be halved by activating the Monarch Talent Lv6 “Mortality”. Raising mounted troop HP & mounted troop defense is also effective, but does not dramatically reduce the number of wounded.
  • Add debuffs.
    • Not a normal debuff, but an against-monster debuff.
    • Basically, you equip Yukimura Sanada (-5% defense) with a set of 4 dragon equipment (-10% attack & defense).
    • If you are fighting solo, set it on the sub-city mayor as possible (they will stack).
    • If you are rallying, only one of the participants needs to participate with it (it does not stack with the number of people, it only applies to one person).

For more details, please refer to this article.

Pan Needs more than just Mounted Troops

Unlike other monsters, Pan has several types of troops, and the compatibility of the attacking troops must be taken into account.

Basically, they are as follows

  • Pan (Ranged): attack with Ground Troops
  • Pan (Ground): attack with Mounted troops
  • Pan (Mounted): attack with Ranged Troops

In the “Basics of Monster Battles” above, where it says “mounted troops,” replace the word with the appropriate type of troops.

Note that while siege machines are compatible (*) with ranged troops in PvP, they are incompatible with pan and should not be used.
(*) Strictly speaking, the damage adjustment rate is low in PvP, but they are compatible because they can attack unilaterally for the first few turns.

Damage adjustment rate when attacking

Damage increases when attacking with compatible troops and decreases when the opposite is true.

Types of troops
to attack

Note that these adjusted percentages are different from those in PvP. The figures are for pan.

Number of Troops to Kill

Details on number of troops, wounded, generals, etc. are as follows.

Pan (Ranged Troop)

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (1)

It is far less wounding to attack with ground troops than with mounted troops.

Lv1 Pan (Ranged Troop)22.3M

Attack by Mounted
t11 Mounted 230,000 -> wounded 0
t11 Mounted 400,000 (attack buff 503%) -> wounded 0

Attack by Mounted
t11 Mounted 230,000 -> wounded 0
  • Main General: Roland
    • Level 27, 5 stars, 2M, cultivate +499
    • all kings equipment
    • Attack: +30% base / +25% skill book / +4% +2% +2% specialty
    • Attack against monster: +35% skill book
    • Bird of Hurricane at +18% level
  • Assistant: Sanada Yukimura
    • Level 27, 5 stars, 1.6M, cultivate +499
    • all kings equipment
    • Attack: +1% specialty
    • Attack against monster: +20% base
t11 Mounted 400,000 (attack buff 503%) -> wounded 0
  • Hannibal Lv27 5 stars
  • Spiritual Beast – Hurricane Bird Lv5
  • Monarch Gear Lv6
  • K28

Lv2 Pan (Ranged Troop)42.8M

Attack by Ground
t12 Ground 800,000 -> wounded 730

Attack by Mounted
t13 Mounted 700,000 -> wounded 0

Attack by Ground
t12 Ground 800,000 -> wounded 730
  • Keep Lv31
  • Main General – Ludwig Lv27 Star 5
    • Buff by Stats – Attack 143.4% / Defense 139.63% / HP 132.4%
    • Equipment – Dragon Sword / Fearless Dragon Armor / Courageous Dragon Boots / Fearless Dragon Helmet / Fearless Dragon Leg Armor / Courageous Dragon Ring
    • Buff by Equipment Refine – Attack 68.5% / Defense 27.5% / HP 14.4%+1500
    • Skill Book – Ground Speed / Ground Defense / Ground HP (All Lv4)
    • Specialty – Lv3 / Lv3 / Lv1
    • Dragon – Celtic Demon Lv3 / Ground Defense +525 / Ground HP +8.2%
  • Assistant – Sun Ce / Specialty – None / Skill Book – Luck / Ground Attack Against Monsters (All Lv4)
  • Subordinate City – Sanada Yukimura, Hernando Cortes / None of the Equipment with Against Monsters Debuff
  • Research – Academy Lv31
  • Blazon – Attack 12.5% / Defense 11.3% / HP 11.3%
Attack by Mounted
t13 Mounted 700,000 -> wounded 0
  • Aethelflaed Lv37 power 3.5M 0 Red Star 1 Specialty (first one Lv4)
  • Monarch Gear Lv8
  • Spiritual Beast – Hurricane Bird Lv8

Lv3 Pan (Ranged Troop)122.9M

Attack by Ground
t14 Ground 1,908,700 (attack buff 1,000%) -> wounded 1,668

Attack by Mounted
t14 Mounted 1,938,100 (attack buff 1,300%) -> wounded 0

Attack by Ground
t14 Ground 1,908,700 (attack buff 1,000%) -> wounded 1,668
  • Keep Lv38
  • Main General – Epaminondas Lv38 6.4M
    • Equipment – Furinkazan Bracer / other 5 Ares, Achaemenidae
    • Dragon – Norway Ridge
  • Assistant – Baibars Lv29
Attack by Mounted
t14 Mounted 1,938,100 (attack buff 1,300%) -> wounded 0
  • Keep Lv38
  • Main General – Li Jing Lv38 6.1M
    • Red Star 1 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Orange x3
    • Dragon – Fafnir lv13
  • Assistant – George A. Custer Lv38
    • Specialty – Purple / Orange / Purple / None
  • Skill Book – Mounted Defense, HP, Speed / March Size / Luck / Mounted Attack Against Monsters (All Lv4)

Lv4 Pan (Ranged Troop)206.4M

Attack by Ground
t14 Ground 1,509,757 (attack buff 1,180%) -> wounded 4,135
t14 Ground 2,153,476 (attack buff 1,000%) -> wounded 3,128
t14 Ground 2,000,000 (attack buff 1,220%) -> wounded 0

Attack by Mounted
t14 Mounted 1,500,000 (attack buff 1,400%) -> wounded 32,410
t14 Mounted 1,938,100 (attack buff 1,300%) -> wounded 18,252
t14 Mounted 2,607,500 (attack buff 1,400%) -> wounded 0

Attack by Ground
t14 Ground 1,509,757 (attack buff 1,180%) -> wounded 4,135
  • Keep Lv38
  • Main General – Elise Lv39 7.5M
    • Red Star 3 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Gold x4
    • Equipment – Achaemenidae Sword / Fearless Achaemenidae Armor / Courageous Ares Boots / Furinkazan Helmet, Leg Armor, Bracer
    • Dragon – Norway Ridge Lv13
  • Assistant – Alessandra Lv39
    • Specialty – None
  • Skill Book – Ground Attack, Defense, HP, Speed / March Size / March Speed (All Lv4)
  • Research
    • Academy Lv35 – Ground MAX
    • Military Academy Lv2 – Ground MAX
  • Monarch Gear – Ground Attack Lv9 / Defense Lv9 / HP Lv8
  • Buff Items – Attack / Defense / HP +20%
t14 Ground 2,153,476 (attack buff 1,000%) -> wounded 3,128
  • Keep Lv38
  • Main General – Epaminondas Lv38 6.4M
    • Equipment – Furinkazan Bracer / other 5 Ares, Achaemenidae
    • Dragon – Norway Ridge
  • Assistant – Maeda Toshiie Lv38
t14 Ground 2,000,000 (attack buff 1,220%) -> wounded 0
  • Keep Lv38
  • Main General – Elise Lv39 7.5M
    • Red Star 3 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Gold x4
    • Equipment – Achaemenidae Sword / Fearless Achaemenidae Armor / Courageous Ares Boots / Furinkazan Helmet, Leg Armor, Bracer
    • Dragon – Norway Ridge Lv13
  • Assistant – Alessandra Lv39
    • Specialty – None
  • Skill Book – Ground Attack, Defense, HP, Speed / March Size / March Speed (All Lv4)
  • Research
    • Academy Lv35 – Ground MAX
    • Military Academy Lv3 – Ground MAX
  • Monarch Gear – Ground Attack Lv9 / Defense Lv9 / HP Lv8
Attack by Mounted
t14 Mounted 1,500,000 (attack buff 1,400%) -> wounded 32,410
  • Keep Lv38
  • Main General – Roland Lv39 7.2M
    • Red Star 1 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Gold x3 / 4th is Orange
    • Equipment – Ares Sword / Courageous Ares Armor / Courageous Ares Boots / Plantagenet Boots, Helmet / Rurik Leg Armor / Freedom Star
    • Dragon – Fafnir Lv13
  • Assistant – Zhao Yun Lv39
    • Specialty – None
  • Skill Book – Mounted Attack, Defense, HP, Speed / March Size / March Speed (All Lv4)
  • Research
    • Academy Lv35 – Mounted MAX
    • Military Academy Lv2 – Mounted MAX
  • Monarch Gear – Mounted Attack Lv8 / Defense Lv9 / HP Lv8
  • Buff Items – Attack / Defense / HP +20%
t14 Mounted 1,938,100 (attack buff 1,300%) -> wounded 18,252
  • Keep Lv38
  • Main General – Li Jing Lv38 6.1M
    • Red Star 1 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Orange x3
    • Dragon – Fafnir lv13
  • Assistant – George A. Custer Lv38
    • Specialty – Purple / Orange / Purple / None
  • Skill Book – Mounted Defense, HP, Speed / March Size / Luck / Mounted Attack Against Monsters (All Lv4)
t14 Mounted 2,607,500 (attack buff 1,400%) -> wounded 0
  • Keep Lv39
  • Main General – Roland Lv39 7.2M
    • Red Star 2 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Gold x4
    • Equipment – Ares Sword / Courageous Ares Armor / Fearless Ares Boots / Plantagenet Helmet / Rurik Leg Armor, Bracer
    • Dragon – Fafnir Lv13
  • Assistant – Maximilian I Lv39
    • Specialty – 1st Gold
  • Skill Book – Mounted Attack, Defense, HP, Speed / March Size / Mounted Attack Against Monsters (All Lv4)

Lv5 Pan (Ranged Troop)361.3M

Attack by Ground
t14 Ground 2,697,500 (attack buff 1,450%) -> wounded 4,467

Attack by Ground
t14 Ground 2,697,500 (attack buff 1,450%) -> wounded 4,467
  • Keep Lv39
  • Main General – Elise Lv40 6.9M
    • Red Star 3 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Gold x4
    • Equipment – Ares x6
    • Dragon – Norway Ridge Lv12
  • Assistant – Prince Rhaegar Lv20
  • Skill Book – Ground Attack, Defense / March Speed / Ground Attack, Defense, HP Against Monsters (All Lv4)
  • Research
    • Academy Lv35 – Ground MAX
    • Military Academy Lv4 – Ground MAX

Pan (Ground Troop)

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (2)

The ground troops type looks almost the same as Ymir.

Lv1 Pan (Ground Troop)22.3M

Attack by Mounted
t10 Mounted 110,000 (attack buff 302%) -> wounded 500
t11 Mounted 110,000 -> wounded 0
t11 Mounted 371,918 (attack buff 503%) -> wounded 0
t13 Mounted 80,000 (attack buff 593%) -> wounded 0

Attack by Mounted
t10 Mounted 110,000 (attack buff 302%) -> wounded 500

(No details)

t11 Mounted 110,000 -> wounded 0
  • Main General: Roland
    • Level 27, 5 stars, 2M, cultivate +499
    • all kings equipment
    • Attack: +30% base / +25% skill book / +4% +2% +2% specialty
    • Attack against monster: +35% skill book
    • Bird of Hurricane at +18% level
  • Assistant: Sanada Yukimura
    • Level 27, 5 stars, 1.6M, cultivate +499
    • all kings equipment
    • Attack: +1% specialty
    • Attack against monster: +20% base
t11 Mounted 371,918 (attack buff 503%) -> wounded 0
  • Keep Lv28
  • Main General – Hannibal Lv27, Star 5
  • Spiritual Beast – Bird of Hurricane Lv5
  • Monarch Gear Lv6
t13 Mounted 80,000 -> wounded 0
  • Buff – Attack 593%, Defense 465%, HP 439%
  • Main General – Li Jing Lv29, 3.4m power, King set, no mounted attack books
  • Assistant – John Bufford Lv20, no books

Lv2 Pan (Ground Troop)42.8M

Attack by Mounted
t11 Mounted 490,000 -> wounded 17,768
t12 Mounted 162,002 -> wounded 8,101 (attack buff 677%)
t12 Mounted 172,400 -> wounded 4,231 (attack buff 817%)
t13 Mounted 310,000 -> wounded 3,000
t13 Mounted 478,000-> wounded 1,770 (attack buff 593%)

Attack by Mounted
t11 Mounted 490,000 -> wounded 17,768
  • Lv 2 Def Boost, Lv 2 Atk Boost, Lv 2 HP Boost
  • Main General Li Jiang
  • Lv 4 Hurricane Bird
t12 Mounted 162,002 -> wounded 8,101
  • Mounted attack buff, including against monster: +677.9% and +1206
  • Monster attack: -10%
  • Monster defense: -15% (with 1 sanada yukimura as a sub mayor)
  • Monarch talent mortality max.
t12 Mounted 172,400 -> wounded 4,231
  • Mounted attack buff, including against monster: +817.9% and +340
  • Mounted defense buff, including against monster: +540.3% and +255
  • Mounted HP buff, including against monster: +540.3% and +680
  • Monster attack: -10%
  • Monster defense: -10%
  • Monarch talent mortality max.
t13 Mounted 310,000 -> wounded 3,000
  • Main General – Li Jing Lv31 / All 5 Star Dragon gear / Bird of Hurricane
  • Assistant – Theodora Lv27
t13 Mounted 478,000 -> wounded 1,770
  • Buff – Attack 593%, Defense 465%, HP 439%
  • Main General – Li Jing Lv29, 3.4m power, King set, no mounted attack books
  • Assistant – John Bufford Lv20, no books

Lv3 Pan (Ground Troop)122.9M

Attack by Mounted
t13 Mounted 1,500,000 (attack buff 1,000%) -> wounded 0

Attack by Mounted
t13 Mounted 1,500,000 (attack buff 1,000%) -> wounded 0
  • Keep Lv38
  • Main General – Aethelflaed Lv35 3.6M
    • Star 5 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – None / Blue / None / None
    • Spiritual Beast – Bird of Hurricane
  • Skill Book – Mounted Attack / Luck / Monster March Speed (All Lv4)

Lv4 Pan (Ground Troop)206.4M

Attack by Mounted
t14 Mounted 1,746,400 (attack buff 1,300%) -> wounded 0
t14 Mounted 1,938,100 (attack buff 1,300%) -> wounded 0

Attack by Mounted
t14 Mounted 1,746,400 (attack buff 1,300%) -> wounded 0
  • Main General – Hannibal Lv37, 6.7M
  • Red Star 2
  • Specialty – MAX
  • Dragon – Fafnir Lv9
  • Monarch Gear Lv8
t14 Mounted 1,938,100 (attack buff 1,300%) -> wounded 0
  • Keep Lv38
  • Main General – Li Jing Lv38 6.1M
    • Red Star 1 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Orange x3
    • Dragon – Fafnir lv13
  • Assistant – George A. Custer Lv38
    • Specialty – Purple / Orange / Purple / None
  • Skill Book – Mounted Defense, HP, Speed / March Size / Luck / Mounted Attack Against Monsters (All Lv4)

Lv5 Pan (Ground Troop)361.3M

Attack by Mounted
t14 1,938,100 (Atk buff 1,300%) -> wounded 32,962
t14 2,161,100 (Atk Buff 1,546%) -> wounded 14,204
t14 3,091,500 (Atk buff 1,400%) -> wounded 0

Attack by Mounted
t14 Mounted 1,938,100 (attack buff 1,300%) -> wounded 32,962
  • Keep Lv38
  • Main General – Li Jing Lv38 6.1M
    • Red Star 1 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Orange x3
    • Dragon – Fafnir lv13
  • Assistant – George A. Custer Lv38
    • Specialty – Purple / Orange / Purple / None
  • Skill Book – Mounted Defense, HP, Speed / March Size / Luck / Mounted Attack Against Monsters (All Lv4)
t14 Cavalry 2,161,100 -> wounded 14,204 (Atk Buff 1,546%)
  • Buff – 1,546% = Mounted Atk 1,413% + Against Monster Mounted Atk 103% + In-rally Atk 30%
  • Monarch Talent Lv6 Mortality – Available
  • Keep Lv38
  • Research – Academy Lv35 Mounted MAX / Military Academy Lv3 Mounted MAX
  • Main General – Roland Lv39 7.3M
    • Red Star 1 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Gold x3 / 4th is Orange
    • Equipment – Ares Sword / Courageous Ares Armor / Plantagenet Boots, Helmet / Rurik Leg Armor / Freedom Star
    • Dragon – Fafnir Lv14
  • Assistant – Basil / Specialty – None
  • Skill Book – Mounted Troop Attack & HP Against Monster / Mounted Troop Attack & HP / March Size / Luck (All Lv4)
  • Blazon – Soul Set Buff (6/6)
  • Monarch Gear – Mounted Attack Lv9 / Defense Lv9 / HP Lv9
  • Buff Items – Ark / Def / HP +20%
  • Subordinate City – None
t14 Mounted 3,091,500 (attack buff 1,400%) -> wounded 0
  • Keep Lv39
  • Main General – Roland Lv39 7.2M
    • Red Star 2 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Gold x4
    • Equipment – Ares Sword / Courageous Ares Armor / Fearless Ares Boots / Plantagenet Helmet / Rurik Leg Armor, Bracer
    • Dragon – Fafnir Lv13
  • Assistant – Maximilian I Lv39
    • Specialty – 1st Gold
  • Skill Book – Mounted Attack, Defense, HP, Speed / March Size / Mounted Attack Against Monsters (All Lv4)

Pan (Mounted Troop)

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (3)

It is far less wounding to attack with ranged troops than with mounted troops.

Lv1 Pan (Mounted Troop)22.3M

Attack by Ranged
t10 Ranged 388,116 -> wounded 861

Attack by Mounted
t11 Mounted 200,000 -> wounded 0

Attack by Ranged
t10 Ranged 388,116 -> wounded 861
  • General – Tomyris Lv20
  • Spiritual beast – Thunder Scorpion 2% attack buff
Attack by Mounted
t11 Mounted 200,000 -> wounded 0
  • Main General: Roland
    • Level 27, 5 stars, 2M, cultivate +499
    • all kings equipment
    • Attack: +30% base / +25% skill book / +4% +2% +2% specialty
    • Attack against monster: +35% skill book
    • Bird of Hurricane at +18% level
  • Assistant: Sanada Yukimura
    • Level 27, 5 stars, 1.6M, cultivate +499
    • all kings equipment
    • Attack: +1% specialty
    • Attack against monster: +20% base

Lv2 Pan (Mounted Troop)42.8M

Attack by Ranged
t12 Ranged 620,000 (Attack buff 970%) -> wounded 0

Attack by Ranged
t12 Ranged 620,000 (Attack buff 970%) -> wounded 0

(No details)

Lv3 Pan (Mounted Troop)122.9M

Attack by Ranged
t12 Ranged 551,999 (attack buff 1,005%) -> wounded 12,116
t13 Ranged 1,500,000 (attack buff 1,418%) -> wounded 0

Attack by Mounted
t13 Mounted 1,500,000 (attack buff 1,000%) -> wounded 9,626
t14 Mounted 1,495,000 (attack buff 1,100%) -> wounded 0

Attack by Ranged
t12 Ranged 551,999 (attack buff 1,005%) -> wounded 12,116
  • Attack buffs: +1005% and +2306 (incl super attack increase of 10 minutes)
  • Defense buffs: Low 700% (incl super defense increase of 10 minutes)
  • HP buffs: Low 700% (incl super hp increase of 10 minutes)
  • Monster attack and defense: -10%
  • Equipment: Ares/Achaemenidae equipment with 1 set of 4 dragon gear by a rally member
  • Monarch talent: Mortality maxed
t13 Ranged 1,500,000 (attack buff 1,418%) -> wounded 0
  • Keep Lv38
  • Main General – Elektra Lv39 7.6M
    • Red Star 2 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Gold / Gold / Gold / Orange
    • Equipment – Ares Bow / Fearless Ares Armor / Freedom Hero Boots, Leg Armor / Han Dynasty Helmet / Plantagenet Ring
    • Dragon – Celtic Demon Lv14
  • Assistant – Bibars Lv38
    • Specialty – None
  • Skill Book – Ranged Attack / Ranged Range bonus / March Size (All Lv4)
  • Research – Academy Lv35 Ranged MAX / Military Academy Lv3 Ranged MAX
  • Monarch Gear – Ranged Lv9 x3
  • Buff Items – Attack / Defense / HP +20%
t14 Ranged 1,652,452 + t13 Ranged 559,448 (total 2,211,900) (attack buff 1,500%) -> wounded 0
  • Keep Lv39
  • Main General – Minamoto no Yosh*tune Lv39 8M
    • Red Star 3 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Gold x4
    • Equipment – Plantaegnet Bow, Ring / Courageous Achaemenidame Armor / Freedom Hero Boots / Abbas Helmet, Leg Armor
    • Dragon – Celtic Demon lv13
  • Assistant – Princess Kaguya Lv39
    • Specialty – Gold / Orange / Orange / None
  • Skill Book – Ranged Defense, HP, Range bonus / Siege Range bonus / March Size / March Speed (All Lv4)
Attack by Mounted
t13 Mounted 1,500,000 (attack buff 1,000%) -> wounded 9,626
  • Keep Lv38
  • Main General – Aethelflaed Lv35 3.6M
    • Star 5 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – None / Blue / None / None
    • Spiritual Beast – Bird of Hurricane
  • Skill Book – Mounted Attack / Luck / Monster March Speed (All Lv4)
t14 Mounted 1,495,000 (attack buff 1,100%) -> wounded 0
  • Keep Lv35
  • Main General – Martinus Lv36 6.3M
    • Red Star 1 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Gold / Gold / Orange / None
    • Dragon – Fafnir Lv11
  • Assistant – Baibars Lv28
    • Specialty – None
  • Skill Book – Mounted Defense, HP / March Size / March Speed / Monster March Speed / Monster’s Respect (All Lv4)

Lv4 Pan (Mounted Troop)206.4M

Attack by Ranged
t14 Ranged 1,799,999 (attack buff 1,230%) -> wounded 4,904
t14 Ranged 1,500,000 (attack buff 1,418%) -> wounded 0

Attack by Mounted
t14 Mounted 1,938,100 (attack buff 1,300%) -> wounded 13,037
t14 Mounted 2,147,500 (attack buff 1,400%) -> wounded 0

Attack by Ranged
t14 Ranged 1,799,999 (attack buff 1,230%) -> wounded 4,904
  • Keep Lv38
  • Main General – Minamoto no Yosh*tune Lv38 6.4M
    • Red Star 1 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Orange x3
    • Dragon – Celtic Demon Lv14
  • Assistant – Princess Kaguya Lv38
    • Specialty – Gold / Purple / Purple / None
  • Skill Book – Ranged Defense, HP, Range bonus / Siege Attack, Range bonus / March Size (All Lv4)
t14 Ranged 1,500,000 (attack buff 1,418%) -> wounded 0
  • Keep Lv38
  • Main General – Elektra Lv39 7.6M
    • Red Star 2 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Gold / Gold / Gold / Orange
    • Equipment – Ares Bow / Fearless Ares Armor / Freedom Hero Boots, Leg Armor / Han Dynasty Helmet / Plantagenet Ring
    • Dragon – Celtic Demon Lv14
  • Assistant – Bibars Lv38
    • Specialty – None
  • Skill Book – Ranged Attack / Ranged Range bonus / March Size (All Lv4)
  • Research – Academy Lv35 Ranged MAX / Military Academy Lv3 Ranged MAX
  • Monarch Gear – Ranged Lv9 x3
  • Buff Items – Attack / Defense / HP +20%
Attack by Mounted
t14 Mounted 1,938,100 (attack buff 1,300%) -> wounded 13,037
  • Keep Lv38
  • Main General – Li Jing Lv38 6.1M
    • Red Star 1 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Orange x3
    • Dragon – Fafnir lv13
  • Assistant – George A. Custer Lv38
    • Specialty – Purple / Orange / Purple / None
  • Skill Book – Mounted Defense, HP, Speed / March Size / Luck / Mounted Attack Against Monsters (All Lv4)
t14 Mounted 2,147,500 (attack buff 1,400%) -> wounded 0
  • Keep Lv39
  • Main General – Roland Lv39 7.2M
    • Red Star 2 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Gold x4
    • Equipment – Ares Sword / Courageous Ares Armor / Fearless Ares Boots / Plantagenet Helmet / Rurik Leg Armor, Bracer
    • Dragon – Fafnir Lv13
  • Assistant – Maximilian I Lv39
    • Specialty – 1st Gold
  • Skill Book – Mounted Attack, Defense, HP, Speed / March Size / Mounted Attack Against Monsters (All Lv4)

Lv5 Pan (Mounted Troop)361.3M

Attack by Ranged
t14 Ranged 2,000,000 (attack buff 1,453%) -> wounded 16,345
t14 Ranged 2,757,500 (attack buff 1,550%) -> wounded 0

Attack by Mounted
t14 Mounted 3,091,500 (attack buff 1,400%) -> wounded 74,693

Attack by Ranged
t14 Ranged 2,000,000 (attack buff 1,453%) -> wounded 16,345
  • Keep Lv38
  • Main General – Elektra Lv39 7.6M
    • Red Star 2 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Gold / Gold / Gold / Orange
    • Equipment – Ares Bow / Fearless Ares Armor / Freedom Hero Boots, Leg Armor / Han Dynasty Helmet / Plantagenet Ring
    • Dragon – Celtic Demon Lv14
  • Assistant – Princess Kaguya Lv39
    • Specialty – None
  • Skill Book – Ranged Attack, Defense, HP, Range bonus / March Size / March Speed (All Lv4)
  • Research – Academy Lv35 Ranged MAX / Military Academy Lv3 Ranged MAX
  • Monarch Gear – Ranged Lv9 x3
  • Buff Items – Attack / Defense / HP +20%
t14 Ranged 2,757,500 (attack buff 1,550%) -> wounded 0
  • Keep Lv39
  • Main General – Simeon the Great Lv40 8.1M
    • Red Star 2 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Gold x4
    • Equipment – Plantagenet x6
    • Dragon – Celtic Demon Lv13
  • Assistant – Prince Rhaegar Lv21 / Specialty – None
  • Skill Book – Ranged Attack / Against Monster Ranged Attack, Defense, HP / March Size / Siege Attack (All Lv4)
Attack by Mounted
t14 Mounted 3,091,500 (attack buff 1,400%) -> wounded 74,693
  • Keep Lv39
  • Main General – Roland Lv39 7.2M
    • Red Star 2 / Cultivate +500
    • Specialty – Gold x4
    • Equipment – Ares Sword / Courageous Ares Armor / Fearless Ares Boots / Plantagenet Helmet / Rurik Leg Armor, Bracer
    • Dragon – Fafnir Lv13
  • Assistant – Maximilian I Lv39
    • Specialty – 1st Gold
  • Skill Book – Mounted Attack, Defense, HP, Speed / March Size / Mounted Attack Against Monsters (All Lv4)

Pan Basic Stats

Pan is a newly added boss monster from 1/26/2023.

The following is common to all types of troops.

Monarch EXP3,5003,5003,5003,5003,500
General EXP
(Initial value)
Alliance Points5050505050
Alliance Honor5050505050
First-down Rewards
First-down Rewards
Monarch EXP
First-down Rewards

Click here for a list of drop items.

Pan (Ranged) – Ground Troops possess a battle advantage over this Boss.
Pan (Ground) – Mounted Troops possess a battle advantage over this Boss.
Pan (Mounted) – Ranged Troops possess a battle advantage over this Boss.

Reference – Mechanics of Monster Battle

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (4)
Battle Mechanics (Monster, Boss)

In monster warfare, what is going on internally and how? Once we know that, we know what to watch out for. I have conducted many tests and analyzed the mechanics of combat.

Reference – Generals Recommendations

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (5)
Best of Boss General / Monster Hunter

Other Bosses

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (6)
Calculator: Number of Troops to Kill Boss

The tool calculates the number of troops required for zero wounding by simply entering the boss, troop type and level, and buffs/debuffs.

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (7)
How Many Troops need to Defeat Boss?

A comprehensive guide that summarizes the required troop level and number of troops for each boss.

  • Boss / Monster Power List
Normal Boss
How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (8)

B10: How to kill Griffin

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (9)

B11: How to kill Ifrit

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (10)

B12: How to kill Kamaitachi

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (11)

B13: How to kill Fafnir

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (12)

B14: How to kill Behemoth

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (13)

B15: How to kill Phoenix

Event Boss
How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (14)

How to kill Royal Thief

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (15)

How to kill Golem (Lv1-5)

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (16)

How to kill Lava Turtle (Lv1-5)

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (17)

How to kill Witch (Lv1-5)

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (18)

How to kill Warlord (Lv1-5)

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (19)

How to kill Bayard (Lv1-3)

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (20)

How to kill Cerberus (Lv1-4)

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (21)

How to kill Sphinx (Lv1-6)

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (22)

How to kill Ymir (Lv1-5)

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (23)

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5)

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (24)

How to kill Hydra (Lv1-4)

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (25)

World Boss

How to kill Pan (Lv1-5) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.